Sheri Bakes began in 2018 as a way to document my baking journey and heal my inner child!  I was a new mom at the time, and after years of cutting out recipes from magazines and watching Martha Stewart on TV, I jumped in and decided to start sharing my passion for baking online!

Fast forward to today- I’ve written my own cookbook, worked with some amazing brands, and connected with so many inspiring people from around the globe! 

Meet Sheri

Welcome New Friends!

I was born in Cape Town South Africa, and immigrated as a kid to New Zealand with my family. After living there for a few years, we set off on a new adventure to the land Down Under. I finally landed in the US as an adult and reside in PA with my husband and two kids. I enjoy evening bike rides, antique shopping, visiting unique locations, and drinking good coffee!

A little bit about me!

published in:

I have lived in a total of four different countries!

As much as I love baking, I prefer savory food to sweet treats! 

a fun day out for me is vintage shopping, Starbucks, and exploring the city

I love playing tennis but don’t like watching it on tv

I get startled easily which makes me the target of constant pranks!

fun facts

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